Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wagner Memories: Yolanda Fisherman Santana '76

What was your first impression of Clark and Wagner? 
 I was born at Clark and my dad was stationed there 4 times so I had no first impression. A lot of my impressions of Clark came after Mt. Pinatubo when I went back to visit, so I will answer most of these questions of my impressions of Clark when I went back to visit as an adult.

What surprised you the most about the Philippines? What did you like best about living there?
I had always heard that Clark was a beautiful base and I took that for granted. Clark being my birth place, I didn’t know the difference. I only recognized how beautiful Clark/Philippines was when I went back to visit after Mt. Pinatubo. The beauty of the area still existed regardless of the damage the volcano had done.

I said to myself, before all these damages, “What a beautiful place this place must have been.” It was paradise to me. I loved the tropical scenery of the plants and trees. If you could remember the horse stables and picnic ground area, that was one of the sights I went to visit.

The trees were old and large where branches from the other trees touched and passed each other that gave a beautiful canopy. You had to respect and appreciate nature’s landscaping.

Did you really miss anything from the States and if so, what?
Not applicable to me. I didn’t know what I had missed.

Who were your good buddies? 
 I had so many. I had friends that I’ve known since grade school such as: Marie Bissell, Dana Castaneda, Cathy Edwards, Cathy Forren, Stephanie Clark and many more.

Then I had my sports friends and Spanish Club friends such as: Gina Robinson, Denise Young, Bobbye Herndon, Robin Hollier, Brenda Johnson, Debbie Petrizzi, Jackie Meir, Beverly Jones and many more.

Where did you hang out?
I did not have a specific hang out place although I felt like I lived in the school gym and the bamboo ball.

Who was your favorite teacher/class?
I had many. There were some teachers that I liked even though I didn’t take classes from them because I had communicated with them in other areas such as a committee or an event.

Miss Jewitt, Pat and Dick Saddlemire, Mr. Quayle, Miss Munn, Miss Goff, Mr. Hilgers, Mr. O’Connor, Vern and Sondi Harmelink and Miss Young.

Did you have a part time job - what was it? Yes, I did a job from PVOT and worked at a missile shop during the summer.

Have you become closer to a Wagnerite that you didn't know well in high school because of a reunion?
Myrna Nickelsen & Karen Jimerson

Did your experience living overseas change you?
I think I was changed from birth by being born overseas and living in two cultures.

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