If we set up a credit card payment account, we'd have create a separate account and charge processing fees. If we use PayPal, once we hit $20,000 or 200 transactions, the amount collected would be reported to the IRS as personal income.
As much as we love all of you, none of us need to pay the IRS any more than we already do, especially when it’s income we don’t get to keep! So, we’re still only taking personal or business checks, cashier checks, and money orders.

And lastly, your must have your hotel room reserved by Monday, June 6th. After this date, the hotel has the option to release our rooms to the public or begin charging the regular room rate (which will be at least $349 per night, possibly more - again, summer is their busy season).
When you book you will still have until approximately June 26th to cancel your reservation without any fees. So even if you’re not quite sure that your schedule will allow you to attend the reunion yet, please book your room to ensure that you will have a room and to avoid added expense.
Click here for a registration form.
Click here for more info on the reunion.
And don't forget to send this on to any friends who are not on Facebook.
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