Friday, May 13, 2016

Wagner Memories: Roy Thelin '76

This is a repost of an article written by Roy in 2008.

What was your first impression of Clark and Wagner? That wall of hot humid air that nearly knocked me back into the plane left a real impression on me. Wagner's relaxed dress code was the first thing about the school that impressed me. I eventually was able to take advantage of being allowed to wear a beard too.

What surprised you the most about the Philippines? Probably how fast that ground could soak up water. The first year I was there it really did rain for 40 days. The day after it stopped, the ground was dry. The other thing was how good the food was. Some Filipino dishes are still favorites of mine.
Did you really miss anything from the States and if so, what? I am not sure I missed anything from the States specifically because I didn't spend that much time there. I think we had been in the States 18 months or so when we left for the PI. Before that, we had been in England for over three years. I am pretty sure our stay before that was less than two years.

Who were your good buddies? The first year we were there, I think our neighbors, Geoff Shearer and Rudy Sandolph were probably the folks I hung out with the most. After that, I don't remember. I had girlfriends occasionally and classmates that I played sports with but not real buddies. Of course, if anyone that reads this remembers being a buddy of mine, let me know.
Where did you hang out? If I spent more time in one place than any other, it was probably the bowling alley. There were usually enough people there that you would see someone you knew hanging around.

Who was your favorite teacher/class? My favorite teacher was Dr. Carmone. He was still working on his doctorate when I was in his classes but he was still a lot of fun to mess with. The only classes I looked forward to though were gym and math (when I had my homework done).

Did you have a part time job - what was it? Never did have a part time job. The money just wasn't enough to motivate me that much.

Did you have a crush on anyone?  I am sure I may have, but don't remember any details. Nancy Gilead, Sue Holmes and the love of my life, Debbie Faires, weren't just crushes. (Note: Debbie Faires is now Debbie Thelin! Roy did get to marry the love of his life!)

Have you become closer to a Wagnerite that you didn't know well in high school because of a reunion? So far, I have been to three reunions, the Caribbean Cruises in ’05 and ’07 and the major gathering in San Diego in '06. I met a number of old acquaintances but haven't really gotten any closer to them. I am looking forward to more opportunities in the future though. My brother and I are planning on making the journey to San Antonio this year, the Caribbean Cruise next year and the biggy in ’11.

How did your experience living overseas affect you? There can be no doubt that living overseas has made me a more culturally well-rounded person. Comparing my attitudes, gotten from experience, to the average Americans’ I have met, I am much more tolerant of cultural and religious differences now. I was a bit more opinionated in high school though.

After nearly four years, I am getting ready to leave Kuwait and the Southwest Asia area, possibly for the last time. I am headed back to Dallas to spend time with my folks and family. If I can find employment there, I will stay in the greater Dallas area for awhile. I would think that a guy with a Bachelor's in Information Technology and a Master's in Computer Information Systems would be able to find something that will pay the bills, but I will worry about that after I have had a few weeks or months to rest.

My youngest daughter, Tabitha, wants to move from Alabama to Texas as well, if she can work out that whole employment thing. At 27 she has started working on a degree in gym or something like that. My eldest daughter, Joanna, lives with her husband in Kentucky. She actually has two bachelor degrees and uses the one in nursing for the benefit of the VA. 

Roy and Debbie got married last year and will be celebrating their first anniversary right around the time of the reunion!

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