Thursday, May 5, 2016

And the winner is.......

The winner of the last drawing (for the two free nights at the hotel during the reunion) is . . . Suzette Fisherman Humphrey! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

For all those attending, please remember to book your room by June 9th and please pay your registration fee/balance by June 10th. It's not too late to decide to attend!

Here's the updated list of attendees.

Don't forget to order your Wagner t-shirts for the reunion. If you have ordered some, they are being sent out in batches, so don't expect a super quick turn-around time on your order.

We have added a 2 hour Harbor Cruise on Saturday mid-day to the reunion agenda. This is at NO extra cost to attendees!! Just make sure you email Gigi or Nina so we buy tickets for you - this is a great opportunity to hang with your friends and see the sights on a great bay cruise!  The harbor is protected and placid, so you don't have to worry about getting motion sickness. We will be boarding at 11:00 am at Navy Float at 970 North Harbor Drive.

Click on this link for more info on the reunion and the agenda.

It's going to be such a blast seeing everyone - our Wagner friendships are truly unique and special!  See you there!

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